Love Hemp CBD Now Certified Halal

Love Hemp CBD Now Certified Halal

We are delighted to announce that Love Hemp products are now certified halal, making us the first and only CBD brand in the world to be certified by a globally recognised organisation, The World Halal Trust.

From the very beginning of our story, our mission has always been to build awareness and accessibility for CBD for the masses in a diverse and inclusive way, and this is a huge step on that mission.  

Our range is vegan, GMO free, gluten and dairy free, and we are very pleased now to add halal to the list. There are 3.9 million Muslims in the UK who now have a safe and trusted source of halal certified CBD.  

Love Hemp CEO, Kamran Sattar, stated:

“Love Hemp has always been thorough in its mission to support people in their mental and physical wellness, and I am delighted that we can now extend that mission to include the Muslim community.  The team and I are excited about the future of Love Hemp and expanding our network across the world”.

Shop the Love Hemp CBD range here.

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